Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dancer In The Dark

So went to K & S's to watch Dancer In The Dark. I have seen this film a few times and every time the brilliance just punches me in the gut. Lars Von Trier films don't always resonate with me but this one is amazing. Now I am a little biased, don't get me wrong. I have always liked Bjork and probably always will. But I have this friend you see (Kevin) and he H-A-T-E-D Bjork. Then he saw this movie and immediately felt bad for making fun of her and was reformed. He now owns it. It's about as desperate as a story can get. Not Kevin's story but the plot of the film.  In fact, after I saw it in the theater ages ago, i called my parents just to tell them I loved them. Wild. The soundtrack is so beautiful and ye olde Sound of Music ditty "favorite things" will never be the same. The scene with the heater vent just breaks me every time.


  1. i'm going to put this in my netflix queue but i'm worried it's going to depress me. love me some bjork though.

  2. As always I bawled my eyes out. Can't watch this movie without it affecting me for days.
